Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RAC Cabanatuan attended District 3770 Assembly

Rotaract Club of Cabanatuan City attended the Rotary Community Corps (RCC), Rotaract Clubs (RAC) and Interact Clubs (IAC) District Assembly held on September 19, 2009 at San Miguel Elementary School in San Miguel, Bulacan.

District Gov. Ricardo "Ding" San Diego also celebrated his birthday during the event. There were at least 600 participated in the event. The RAC Cabanatuan City Rotaractors who attended were Pres. Percival Tabor, Sec. (PE) Darren Gonzales, Treas. Julius Dumayas, Dir. Dominic Dominado, and Prospective Rtr. Rennel Payumo.

General Assembly was conducted in the morning while RCC, RAC, and IAC had its break up sessions in the afternoon. The District Rotaract Officers conducted a leadership training for the rotaractors led by District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Dimple De Silva. The election of the new DRR was also conducted.

DRR Dimple announced the official list of registered Rotaract Club in District 3770. RAC Cabanatuan City was not one of them. She then instructed Pres. Percival to work out their registration in the Rotary International in coordination with the sponsoring Rotary Club.

Pres. Percival thanked the rotaractors who participated the sponsorship and support extended by RCC Pres. Angel Pascual.

The Presidential Table was graced by the Rotary District Dignitaries.

Sec. (PE) Darren, Rtr. Rennel, Treas. Julius and Dir. Dominic.

Bulacan Governor JonJon Mendoza delivering his keynote address.

The Birthday Boy - District Gov. Ding San Diego with RAC Cabantuan Officers